This was the first error I encountered while creating a new Unreal Engine 5 project in Rider.
// AutomationTool - load failed
// UnrealBuildTool - load failed
MSB4236: project loading error - 49 Problems
Project 'Android.Automation' load failed
... 48 more
For some reason, simply installing Microsoft .NET SDK didn’t immediately resolve the problem (probably something related to the environment itself).
I had to install “.NET desktop development” and “Desktop development with C++” directly from the Visual Studio Installer.
1. Open “Visual Studio Installer”
2. Install “.NET desktop development” and “Desktop development with C++”
3. Check the Problems
At least MSB4236: project loading error (AutomationTool load – failed) was resolved.
The error “Dependency Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory 6.0.1 is vulnerable” actually indicates that it was loaded correctly. To resolve this issue, check the article here. (I assume that future versions of UE5 will not have this error.)